
Monday, July 16

Latest News

A group of students from the prestigious Malagasy college INSCAE (Institut National des Sciences Comptables et de l'Administration d'Entreprise) organized a Tana-Anjeva journey through the « Trans LĂ©murie Express » on April 21st  (more details on their Facebook page): hiking and sightseeing were on the agenda. I have received lovely pictures from them for which I am very grateful.  

Here we go!!!

The Trans Lemurie Express (Credits: Mialy Randriasoa)
The Hikers (Credits: Mialy Randriasoa)
Behold the beauty of nature (Credits: Mialy Randriasoa)
A fashion model cow :-) (credits: Mialy Randriasoa)
A glimpse of the surroundings (Credits: Mialy Randriasoa)
The bridge of Antentona (Credits: Mialy Randriasoa)